Hi, I'm Albert! I am from Needham, Massachusetts, and I study computer science and statistics at Harvard.

I first fell in love with computer science in sixth grade when I was dragged into a Scratch club. To my pleasant surprise, Scratch had all the logical elements of math that I deeply enjoyed while also providing me with the creative freedom to build and engineer anything I could imagine.

Since then, I've done everything from tutoring Java to building mobile applications to developing C++ libraries. My coursework has exposed me to a diverse range of topics, with some of my favorites including machine learning and distributed systems. I welcome any challenge that comes my way, as I am always looking to extract insight from my endeavors and apply my newfound knowledge to real-world applications.

Outside of the classroom, I also play the clarinet for Harvard's Bach Society Orchestra. I love playing squash, long-distance running, and a myriad of card games as well. As I continue my journey through life, I hope to embrace the many opportunities and obstacles that lie ahead and see where my curiosity takes me!